Please reach us at gwatkins@nphd.net if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Notus Parma Highway District No. 2 was notified by ITD on December 4, 2021 that during the inspection of the Hexon Road bridge, they found severe decay in the timber piles. They gave the structure a critical finding rating of 2 and recommended a total load rating of 3 tons, or 6,000 lbs. The District restricted the bridge down to one lane, and posted load rating signs. Traffic was routinely observed disregarding the posted load rating , and ultimately, for the safety of all patrons, the District made the decision to close the bridge.
The Hexon Road bridge was selected for replacement through the Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program. The District is following their timeline for replacement, which could be anywhere from 3-5 years
The original Hexon Road bridge was built in 1954 and design criteria has changed significantly in the past 69 years. Hexon Road bridge presents several design challenges where the structure crosses the Boise River as well as design elements for the surrounding flood plane The District will have to wait on many different factors before demolition and construction can begin.